CNC4PC Pendant for Mach4 with C22M1

Used software: Mach4, PLUGINS ESS V275

Used hardware: C82 R4 and C22M1 R1.

These instructions work on any board used with Mach4


STEP 1: On many systems, MS Windows can recognize the USB drivers, but if not, you can download them from here: 

STEP 2: Connect the C22M1 to the USB port, Right Click on the USB Serial port, Select Update Driver Software.


STEP 3: 

STEP 4: 

 this COM port will be used to configure the Modbus port

STEP 5: Download the installer :

If you prefer to configure this manually, you can follow these instructions


STEP 6: Run the installer to configure Mach4 and the plugin:

STEP 7: Select the profile to configured and press install.


