STEP 5: Download and copy the XML configuration file for Mach3, If you prefer to configure Mach3 and the Plugin Manually, you skip this step and follow these instructions
Save it in the Mach3 folder. Rename it if you want to give your profile a specific name.
STEP 6: Start Mach3.
Start Mach3 using the new profile you downloaded.
Select the UC300ETH as the default motion device.
You should get the green LED when you press the reset button in Mach3 and the E-Stop is closed.
You can proceed to set the travel info for the axes and set up the max spindle speed for the spindle.
The sample XML includes configuration for:
Step and Direction of 4 axes.
Safety Charge Pump.
Homes and Limits of 4 axes, but limits are not enabled.
Spindle Speed control, but you need to set the max spindle speed.
Probe on pin 15 port 1.
STEP 7: Save your configuration and restart Mach3.
STEP 8: Final Test
Test the E-Stop by opening the circuit a confirming the green LED goes off.
You can now enable back on the SCHP by moving (JUMPER=ON) so it will be the control software that will enable the system.