Used software: Mach3 Version 3.043.062 with Win 10 Fix.

STEP 1: Connect an E-Stop button to short the E-Stop terminals. 

  • This should give you a green LED while the board is powered and the e-stop is closed.
  • IF not, check other possible fault conditions and make sure they are not active.



STEP 2: Make sure the controller is connected to an Ethernet port on the PC and powered with LEDs ON.


STEP 3: Download the UC Utility program for UCxxx.

  • Run the to establish the connection, 
  • Set a fixed IP on the PC’s LAN cad and whitelist the device on the network.



  • Verify that TCP/IPV4 is configured correctly for the connection used.  You may need to configure it manually.


STEP 4: Run the UCX00 automatic installer for Mach3.

  • The select UC300ETH motion controller
  • Push-button "Start installation"

STEP 5: Download and copy the XML configuration file for Mach3, If you prefer to configure Mach3 and the Plugin Manually, you skip this step and follow these instructions


  • Save it in the Mach3 folder. Rename it if you want to give your profile a specific name.


STEP 6: Start Mach3. 

  • Start Mach3 using the new profile you downloaded.
  • Select the UC300ETH as the default motion device.
  • You should get the green LED when you press the reset button in Mach3 and the E-Stop is closed.
  • You can proceed to set the travel info for the axes and set up the max spindle speed for the spindle.
  • The sample XML includes configuration for:
    • Step and Direction of 4 axes.
    • E-Stop.
    • Safety Charge Pump.
    • Homes and Limits of 4 axes, but limits are not enabled.
    • Spindle Speed control, but you need to set the max spindle speed.
    • Probe on pin 15 port 1.

STEP 7: Save your configuration and restart Mach3. 

STEP 8: Final Test 

  • Test the E-Stop by opening the circuit a confirming the green LED goes off.
  • You can now enable back on the SCHP by moving (JUMPER=ON) so it will be the control software that will enable the system.