STEP 1: Verify that the C86ACORN will activate (green LED) by connecting and powering it and disabling all the possible fault sources.
Connect only the C86ACORN.
Set the jumpers for all axis as Active Axis off, so the board does not check for a cable disconnect.
Disconnect the motors to prevent having a motor trigger a fault.
Disable the ACORN enable so the board does not need to see an axis enable signal to get activated.
Keep the jumper on the NO_FAULT terminals, so the board does not need to see an external enable signal to get activated.
STEP 2. Wire a motor or motors and verify you can command motion on it and that the C86ACORN can see motor fault and trip the green LED.
Wire the motors, verify you have motion, try to make a motor fault, and make sure that the green LED goes off if a motor fault.
Connect and power the motor and verify that the fault is not tripped.
Set jumpers activate the cable disconnect detection on the axis you wired. You can disconnect and connect back again the cable going to the motor to verify that the board is detecting the cable disconnect and triggering a fault (green LED off).
Make the motor fault by moving the shaft with the hand, or try commanding the motor to go faster than what it can to make it fault. You should see the fault on the LED on the motor and also see the green LED tripping on the C86ACORN.
STEP 3. Configure CNC12 to enable the axis when active and activate the ACORN Enable jumper so that the C86 remains disabled until the C86 sees an axis enable signal to enable the C86 (green LED).
Configure the CNC12 to activate the NO_FAULT signal to activate a relay so that the relay remains active while the CNC12 is active.
Wire the relay using the NO (Normally Open) contacts of the relay so that when it activates, it can send the signal to the C86ACORN indicating all is OK and it can activate.
Activate the CNC12 software, then try moving an axis so it will activate and observe the green LED get activated.
STEP 4. Wire the NO (Normally Open) contacts of the relay so that when the C86 faults and the relay trips, it interrupts the DriveOK signal. This will notify the CNC12 software of the fault condition.
Configure the CNC12 to expect a DriveOK Signal. This is a signal that the control will see as high while the servos have not faulted.
Wire the relay using the NO contacts. So that when the system is active the signal reaches the terminal.
Make the system fault and observe the C86 fault and the CNC12 see the and trip the fault as a result.
Some features are intentionally left of these instructions can be considered as advanced and can create confusion. These are: - Cable disconnect detection. - Using the ACORN ENABLE signal from CNC12 to enable the C86.