C25S - Smooth Stepper Terminal Board



C25S - Smooth Stepper Terminal Board


  • 34 Inputs and Outputs on 2 ports.

  • Full access to all the pins of the Smooth Stepper Board.

  • Connects directly to the Smooth Stepper (from Warp9). The board is provided with sockets that allow the Smooth Stepper Board to be plugged directly into this board.  No ribbon cables are required.  When using the Smooth Stepper board there is no need to use an additional power supply to power the board. It will draw power from the Smooth Stepper board.

  • Built-in Passive Low Pass Filters for all inputs. This board includes low-pass filters to reduce the effect of the noise from the drivers or other devices over the input signals.

  • All TTL 5VDC signals. Interface directly with parallel port interface products and other CNC4PC cards. 5VDC (TTL) cards are very common among automation devices.

  • Input and output pins with close-by ground connections. Forget about grounding problems. Easily connect your pin by using your close-by-ground connection. No need to be an electronics expert to ground all your stuff                                                                                                                                                                                      

  • Push-lock connections for all terminals.   You only have to push-lock the wires to make all your connections.

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