CNC VFD 7.5KW (10HP) Variable Frequency Drive Inverter VFD 34A


7.5KW (10HP) Variable Frequency Drive Inverter VFD 34A

Regarding the wire connection, please connect "R" and "T" (at the inverter) to the shingle phase power supply ( connect "R" and "S" or "S" and "T" both are ok.) If you use it as three phase input, then please connect the three-phase power supply to "R, S T".

"U, V, W " connect to a motor.

And the VFD need to connect with the motor directly, cannot connect breaker or switch

between the VFD and motor

NEW Variable Frequency Drive,  VFD

10 HP 7.5KW 34A 220V-250V

1) Input: 220VAC ±15%   1 or 3 Phase (R, S or R, T or S, T)    50/60Hz

2) Output: 220VAC  3 Phase ( U, V, W)   7.5kw

3) Output Frequency: 0-400 Hz

4) Warranty: 1 year


P0.00=0 (V/F Control)

P0.00=1 (Sensorless Vector Control)

P0.00=2 (Torque Control)

P0.03=300 or 400 HZ (depends on your spindle)

P0.04=300 or 400 HZ (depends on your spindle)


P0.06=300 or 400 HZ (depends on your spindle)

P0.07=1 (Potentiometer on keypad)

P2.02=300 or 400 HZ (depends on your spindle)

P0.17=1 (Restore parameters as factory setting)

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