News - Is anybody using a second C10 breakout board?


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Mark Hartings Total posts: 2 Joined:

I'm using Windows 10 on a laptop with Mach4, an Ethernet Smooth Stepper, a C11GS and a C10. I simply set the C11GS to use port 1 and the C10 to use port 2 pins for my A Axis and all is good. I have configured for X, Y, Y-Slave, Z, A, and my spindle using the relays on the C11GS. 



Arturo Duncan Total posts: 260 Joined:


Here are some thoughts:

- What motion controller are you using? Make sure it supports on the port you assigned using pins 2-9 as inputs.

- If using parallel ports, ports 2-9 cannot be used as inputs on port 1, but you could on all others.

- If using Mach3, make sure set pin 2-9 on port 2 to be used as inputs.

- It could also be a Mach3 Plugin corruption issue, you may want to test this with a fresh XML.

- I once saw a parallel port which did not support using those pins as inputs, that case was resolved by exchanging ports, that is just changing the memory port addreses, so port 1 was recognized as port 2 and 2 as 1.

Please check this and let me know how it goes.

Arturo Duncan

Brent Stallings Total posts: 1 Joined:

I have a second C10 as well. Setup Mach3 as it is said in Mach3 Tutorial videos. Set the jumpers but couldn't make it pins 2-9 work as an input as well. Following. Hope there is a solution.

Milad Kivi Total posts: 10 Joined:


I have a second C10 breakout board and have not been able to get it to work using pins 2 - 9 as inputs. I've been working with Arturo at cnc4pc to diagnose the problem, but we have yet to come to an answer. At this point it seems as though the board is not working as intended with mach3, but I have one last round of tests to eliminate all the remaining possibilities. I have found others that have this same problem who are all anxious to resolve it. I thought I'd ask if anybody here was already doing this successfully, so anybody?

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


Teaser production agency

Thank you.


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