This card is a motherboard for the PoKeys55 Core Board. The PoKeys is an amazing piece of hardware and software. The problem is that it can only provide 4mA discrete signals, and it can only source a total of 100mA in total. Wiring of special features can also be complex. The Motherboard puts the power of the PoKeys55 on the everyday CNC user. It provides easy integration to expansion boards that works on standards used on industrial environment. Different types of expansion boards can be connected to this board providing different types of I/Os and features. New features are continually been added to the Pokeys boards and new expansion boards are to be coming out to make use of these features.
Designed to be used with a PoKeys557.
Allows the use of up to 54 Pokeys55 pins
Allows the use of the Pokeys55 Auxiliary Bus (New). With this bus additional 80 digital outputs are provided.
Pin headers to connect up to 4 expansion boards, each one with 12 or 24 I/Os.
Every pin header hands 5V, 3.3V and PoKeys55 I/O pins.
Jumper to select power source. The board can be powered with the USB cable, or an external power source.
DB25 connector to connect CNC4PC pendants.
Includes an electromechanical relay for e-stop. This allows using the e-stop button of the pendant at a hardware level.
Different combination of expansion boards can be used.
The Pokeys55 piggybacks on the motherboard.