Questions - Spindle Speed Connection Issues Sherline DC motor KBIC C25XP ESS Smoothstepper


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laury friese Total posts: 1 Joined:

If you are experiencing spindle speed connection issues with a Sherline DC motor, KBIC C25XP motor controller, and ESS Smoothstepper, there are a few potential troubleshooting steps you can try:

1. Check the wiring connections: Ensure that all the wiring connections between the motor, motor controller, and ESS Smoothstepper are secure and properly connected. Verify that the wiring corresponds to the correct pins and terminals specified in the documentation or user manual for each device. Candy Crush

1. Verify motor controller settings: Review the settings and configuration of the KBIC C25XP motor controller. Ensure that the parameters for spindle speed control are correctly set based on your specific setup. Refer to the motor controller's documentation for guidance on configuring the speed control settings.

1. Check Smoothstepper configuration: Verify the configuration settings on the ESS Smoothstepper to ensure that it is set up correctly for spindle speed control. Make sure the appropriate pins and outputs are configured for spindle control and that they match the connections and settings of the motor controller.

1. Test with different software: Try using different CNC software or controller software to see if the issue persists. This can help determine if the problem is specific to the software you are currently using or if it's a broader issue.

1. Contact technical support: If the above steps do not resolve the issue, it's recommended to reach out to the technical support teams of the respective manufacturers. They can provide more specific assistance based on the equipment and setup you are using and help troubleshoot the connection issues.

Remember to provide detailed information about the symptoms, any error messages, and the specific steps you have taken so far when contacting technical support. They will be better equipped to assist you with your specific setup and configuration.

Leonardo Kelly Total posts: 1 Joined:

I'm upgrading a Sherline lathe to CNC and want to regulate the spindle speed. This worked for me when I used Gecko G540 pins 7,8,9.With a CNC4PC C25XP bob, I'm currently utilizing two separate Gecko drivers.

Is there a VFD pin out on the C25XP that performs the same as pin 8 on the G540? bad ice cream

When I MDI m3 s2000, I receive roughly 8.6v from the C25XP's 0-10v pins. If I change the MDI speed, the pins remain the same. Is that to be expected?

I'll also double-check the ESS settings.

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